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Nov. 1 → I swam an awesome early workout. Upon returning home, I opened the email regarding our short list of candidates for bishop. It’s a very impressive group! Congratulations to the Search Committee for such fine work! After breakfast, I walked to the office for a meeting with David Martin, our CFO. I spent most of the morning finishing my journal. In the afternoon, I caught up on correspondence before attending a Zoom meeting with leadership from Tougaloo College regarding the Center for Racial Equity. After work, I made my way to All Saints’, Jackson, for worship, fellowship, and celebration of All Saints’ Day.
Nov. 2 → I had a couple staff meetings in the morning including time with Canon Ponder and Julia Young. Before breaking for lunch, I met with Whitney Robinson via phone.
Nov. 3 → After early workout, I made my way to the office for a breakfast meeting with Andy Andrews. That meeting was followed by a schedule check with Peggy Jones. Over lunch, I met with one of our vice-chancellors, Robert Ireland.
Nov. 4 → It was a relatively quiet morning. After an afternoon workout, I collected my things, including the dog, and drove to Tupelo for my Sunday visit.
Nov. 5 → I celebrated All Saints’ Sunday at All Saints’ in Tupelo with two services and fellowship. All Saints’ is an incredibly welcoming and friendly parish. It was hard to say goodbye and thank you. After collecting Sophie and changing clothes, I drove home.
Nov. 6 → After a morning workout, I enjoyed a quiet sabbath day.
Nov. 7 → The morning was really busy and staff meeting took longer than normal. I met with Canon Ponder for another meeting after staff meeting.
Nov. 8 → After an early workout and breakfast, I made my way to the office. The morning was spent working with Peggy Jones on calendar and COM. Between meetings with Peggy, I met with our CFO, David Martin.
Nov. 9 → I worked on an article and meditation during the morning. Later, I met with Whitney Robinson for my weekly update on Youth and Christian Education. I took the afternoon off to help my daughter, Katie, move into a new house.
Nov. 10 → My morning was packed with a workout, breakfast meeting, and staff meetings. In the afternoon, I met via Zoom with John Delancey our Missioner in Honduras. In the afternoon, I attended the wedding rehearsal for the Rev Deacon Sarah Stripp.
Nov. 11 → I spent most of the morning with household chores and marketing. In the afternoon, I officiated at the wedding of Sarah Stripp and Joshua Stretch.
Nov. 12 → I left the house early and drove to Enterprise for visitation at St. Mary’s. It was a lovely service with great fellowship.
Nov. 13 → I worked out early. After breakfast and a couple errands, I went to the office for a meeting with Lloyd Gray.
Nov. 14 → I attended my normal array of staff meetings.
Nov. 15 → I worked out early and then went to the office. After meeting with David Martin, I attended a lunch meeting with Working Together Mississippi.
Nov. 16 → A particularly busy day included two annual consultations with clergy. The day also included a staff check-in and phone call with another member of the clergy. In the evening, I met with the Search Committee from St Philip’s in Jackson.
Nov. 17 → I left the apartment immediately after workout and drove to the coast for a dedication and blessing at Coast Episcopal School. While driving home, I spoke Stu Yarbrough about an Executive Committee matter.
Nov. 18 → I enjoyed a relaxing and quiet day.
Nov. 19 → My visitation was at St. Matthew’s in Kosciusko. After church we enjoyed fellowship and a great meal. After returning to Jackson, I attended the closing service of Happening at St Philip’s.
Nov. 20 → Early workout was followed by a calm sabbath day.
Nov. 21 → Staff meetings took place throughout the morning. In the afternoon, I met Granville Tate to discuss a pending sale of some acreage at Gray Center. Kyle arrived for a Thanksgiving visit in the afternoon. Shortly after her arrival, we joined Katie and Jacob for supper. Betsy arrived later in the evening.
Nov. 22 → We left Jackson around midday and drove to Birmingham for Thanksgiving with Kyle’s family.
Nov. 23 → Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov. 24 → Drove back to Jackson for a couple days at home with Kyle.
Nov. 25 → A mostly calm Saturday. Although the Iron Bowl produced great anxiety for Kyle.
Nov. 26 → This was a rare Sunday with no scheduled visitation. Betsy headed back to school in the afternoon. Later, we enjoyed dinner at Eudora’s with friends.
Nov. 27 → I worked out in the morning and spent the rest of the day with Kyle.
Nov. 28 → Kyle left on an early flight. I spent most of the day in the office with staff meetings. It took a while to get caught up with emails. In the afternoon, I kept a scheduled doctor’s appointment.
Nov. 29 → I caught a morning flight for Charleston for the Province IV House of Bishops. I arrived at St. Christopher’s Conference Center in the afternoon. Opening meetings made me sad as I realized this will be my last Province IV Bishops and Spouses Retreat. I am grateful for the friendship and support of these incredible people.
Nov. 30 → The morning was taken up with meetings and discussion. In the afternoon, we took a break and visited the museum of African American History followed by dinner in Charleston.