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April 1 → After a busy Easter, I slept much later than normal! The morning was taken up by a leisurely breakfast followed by a workout at the GRIT pool. In the afternoon, I did laundry and relaxed!
April 2 → I rose early for a scheduled Zoom call with other Province IV Bishops. After the call and breakfast, I made my way to the office for staff meetings. During a meeting with Canon Ponder, we were alerted by the Episcopal News service of the nominees for our next Presiding Bishop. Over lunch, I met with a couple clergy persons to discuss an ongoing project. I spent time in the afternoon on the phone finishing my Journal for March.
April 3 → A busy day started with an early morning meeting in the office. Immediately after meeting, I drove to St. Andrew’s Upper School for a service with the Middle School. The Middle School service was followed by a service with the High School. Following the services, I enjoyed lunch with Kevin Lewis, Annie Elliott, and Hailey Allin. While at St. Andrew’s, I received word that a dear friend, the Rev. Canon David Langdon, had passed away. After returning to the office, I kept a phone appointment with the senior warden of a church in our diocese. Before leaving the office, we got word that Bishop-elect Wells received the necessary votes from around the church for consent to her call. Yea!
April 4 → Another busy day started with meetings in the morning and ended with the Celebration of a New Ministry at Chapel of the Cross, Madison for the parish and their new rector, Will Compton.
April 5 → I rose early but an early morning call didn’t allow time for a workout. Staff meetings took most of the morning after which I began driving for meetings and Sunday visitation on the Coast. While driving, I kept several phone meetings. After arriving on the Coast, I enjoyed time with my host, the Rev. Kyle Bennet, and then supper with the Executive Committee of the Episcopal Church Women.
April 6 → The morning and early afternoon were taken up with the ECW business meeting and program. The presenter was the Rev. Patrick Sanders. After the program, I celebrated the Eucharist and enjoyed lunch with the group. In the evening, I attended a dinner at the Bennet’s house with the Vestry for Trinity in Pass Christian.
April 7 → I preached and presided for the two services at Trinity in Pass Christian. Between services we enjoyed fellowship and food along with a Blessing and Ground Breaking for their new parish hall! I drove home in the afternoon and had crawfish for supper at Katie’s house.
April 8 → I did a short morning workout in the GRIT pool. Katie and I met for lunch before going upstairs to the rooftop to watch the eclipse. In the afternoon, I relaxed and went for a long walk.
April 9 → Staff meetings occupied most of the morning. After a late morning meeting regarding the Mississippi Episcopal Aids Commission (MEAC), I grabbed a quick lunch. I spent a couple of hours in the afternoon meeting with the Finance Committee of the Diocese.
April 10 → I slept late and missed my morning workout! The first meeting of the morning was with David Martin. A Zoom meeting with a postulant for Holy Orders took the rest of the morning. After lunch, I had two meetings, one with the Rev. George Woodliff and then, before heading home, I met with Thorne Butler and David Martin.
April 11 → I started the morning working from home on a variety of Zooms and phone calls. After lunch, I made my way to the office to catch up on emails and a stack of paperwork. I enjoyed dinner out with friends at the Mayflower.
April 12 → The morning was busy with staff meetings. I spent the afternoon at home doing laundry and getting ready for a busy weekend. I enjoyed supper at Grace Church in Canton for the opening session of the Conference for Small Churches. It was great to spend time with the faithful leaders and members of these churches! After being part of a panel discussion, I drove to Lake Enid where I spent the night.
April 13 → I rose to the quiet of beautiful morning at Lake Enid. After breakfast, I drove to Advent in Sumner for the funeral of the Rev. Canon David Langdon. I was honored to preach and celebrate at the service. Following the service, I grabbed lunch at the Sumner Grill before driving back to the Lake.
April 14 → My morning visitation was at St. Peter’s in Oxford. I preached and presided at three services and confirmed fourteen while receiving two and baptizing one. After finishing at St. Peter’s, I drove back to the lake house and watched the Masters.
April 15 → After a “later” morning workout, I relaxed.
April 16 → Normal staff meetings were cancelled due to several conflicts. I spent most of the day at the Capitol with a group of Clergy discussing healthcare with lawmakers. In the afternoon, I returned to the office for a phone meeting with one of our Rectors.
April 17 → During and after my normal morning workout, I as alarmed by incredible pain in my back and shoulder. I left work at lunchtime to visit Mississippi Sports Medicine.
April 18 → I tended to a few administrative details before driving to Taylor, Mississippi, for a lunch meeting. I was delighted to run into many Episcopalians from around the state at the same meeting!
April 19 → I skipped the morning workout to give my shoulder more time to heal. A slow morning got really busy around lunch with a variety of meetings that lasted until 5 p.m. In the evening, I did laundry and got ready for another busy weekend.
April 20 → I left my apartment early and drove to St. John’s in Laurel for the Spring meeting of the Diocesan Altar Guild. After the business meeting, a program was presented by the Rev. Karl Schaffenburg, “Why we do What we do.” It was an excellent presentation that illuminated our liturgy. Before driving home to Jackson, I preached and presided at a Celebration of the Holy Eucharist. After arriving home in Jackson, I loaded my car and drove to Water Valley where I spent the night prior to the next day’s visitation at St. Timothy’s in Southaven.
April 21 → I had a great visit in Southaven with St. Timothy’s and Holy Cross, Olive Branch. I confirmed six and reaffirmed one. After the service, we had a festive meal in the parish hall. I returned to Water Valley and spent a “mostly” quiet afternoon which included a walk and dinner out.
April 22 → It was a nice slow morning in Water Valley. After picking up around the house and driving back to Jackson, I found time for an afternoon swim at GRIT.
April 23 → The morning was pretty busy with staff meetings and catching up on emails. In the afternoon, I made many telephone appointments. Before heading home, I started the long process of bringing order to my “digital footprint.” In particular, I started cataloguing pictures and videos that need to be saved for DioMS archives.
April 24 → I started early from my apartment with an all-day Zoom call with the House of Bishops. The meeting and Zoom were an interview with my five colleagues involved in discernment for the next Presiding Bishop. These are five great candidates! The meeting ended around 4 p.m. after which I worked on a report.
April 25 → I rose early and did a morning workout. Upon arriving at the office, I spent some time discussing my weekly calendar with Peggy Jones. After meeting with Peggy, I met briefly with David Martin. I spent the rest of morning working on emails and a project for our Archivist, Julia Marks Young. In the afternoon, I met, over telephone, with one of our parish deacons. I picked up Kyle at the airport later in the evening. Katie met us at my apartment.
April 26 → I enjoyed a slow morning and breakfast with Kyle. After a couple staff meetings, I grabbed lunch at Keifer’s with Katie and Kyle. Betsy arrived from Birmingham around 2:30 p.m. The evening celebration was incredible, thank you! It was wonderful to be surrounded by friends and family. I am still blown away by the generosity extended to me on this special night.
April 27 → Kyle, Betsy and I enjoyed a quiet and slow morning. In the afternoon I prepared some sermon ideas for tomorrow in Gautier. After an evening meal I drove to Ocean Springs to spend the night.
April 28 → I met with the St. Pierre vestry first thing. After discussing the state of the parish and hearing their long-range building plans, we moved to the nave for worship. It was a well-attended service that included two adult baptisms, two confirmations, one reception, and nine reaffirmations. I was assisted by the Rev. Dr. John Switzer and the Rev. Scott Lenoir. I drove home in the afternoon and enjoyed and evening meal with Kyle, Katie, and Jacob.
April 29 → Morning workout. I spent most of the morning in the apartment, catching up on laundry, etc. In the afternoon and evening, Kyle began preparing for my July move by boxing up some of my apartment. We enjoyed Little Tokyo for supper.
April 30 → Kyle and I rose early and enjoyed a long walk. We spent the rest of the morning packing up a huge suitcase with framed pictures that need to be moved. She flew out of Jackson around 3:30 p.m. and I made my way to the office.