The Official Publication of the Bishop and the Diocese of Mississippi
118 N. Congress Street | P.O. Box 23107
Jackson, Mississippi 39225-3107
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Dorothy Sanders Wells, XI Bishop of Mississippi, Publisher
Wil Oakes, Oakes Creative Agency, Editor & Art Director
The Mississippi Episcopalian (USPS 024755) is published monthly online and bimonthly in print by the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, 118 N. Congress Street, Jackson, MS 39201. Periodical postage paid at Jackson, MS, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to the Mississippi Episcopalian, P. 0. Box 23107, Jackson, MS, 39225-3107. In giving changes of address, send the old address as well as the new address. We cannot be responsible for the return of manuscripts or photographs.