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Faith Becomes Joy

The annual diocesan ECW conference brings Episcopal Women together on the coast.

On Saturday, April 6, 2024, about 50 ladies (and a few men) gathered at St. Peter’s By-the-Sea in Gulfport to hear the Rev. Patrick Sanders speak and to conduct the business of the diocesan ECW. Bishop Brian Seage was also in attendance for the final conference to be held under his episcopacy.

Five former ECW Board Presidents were in attendance: Mary Chaney, Mary Beth Welch, Brenda Hawkins, Lindsey Richard, & Mary Beth Burghard. President Martha Morgan presided with Interim Board Secretary Brenda Hawkins taking minutes. The group honored Darcy Strickland, Board secretary for many years, who passed into her next life in January of this year. Special memorials were made to the All Saints, Tupelo, breakfast ministry for unhoused persons called “Saints Brew” and our ECW Children at Risk fund. The 2023 financials were reviewed and the Outreach Funds distributions were noted. Reminders were given for the Providence IV Zoom meeting on June 1 and the dates of ECW Triennial/Nat’l Convention, Louisville, KY, June 23-28. Our three delegates are President Martha Morgan, Pres-Elect Ann Milsted and Lollie Everett, 2024 Distinguished Woman of the year. The Fall 2024 conference is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 9, in a Jackson area church. The special speaker’s name will be announced soon.

Bishop Seage and five former presidents of the diocesan ECW

Rev. Sanders’ talk was called How Faith Becomes Joy and focused on John the Disciple. This John wrote the New Testament book of John, the letters of John, and the Book of Revelation. His book is considered the earliest of the Gospels. And it stands out among the others as a more personal account of Jesus Christ’s life.

St. Peter’s By-the-Sea and Rev. Sanders held a closing service, preached by Bishop Seage. Their wonderful choir & its Choirmaster-Organist, J. T. Anglin, provided lovely music which filed the sanctuary.

In closing, a lovely buffet lunch was served by the local ECW hosts. During the meal Ann Milsted & Rev. Sanders suggested ideas for ECW fundraisers, including such fun-sounding activities as “Big-Mouth Bingo.”