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March 1 → We spent most of the day at House of Bishops in table groups. An afternoon program included a talk show hosted by Andy Doyle from the Diocese of Texas. Andy interviewed Craig Loya (Minnesota), Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows (Indianapolis), and Scott Mayer (Northwest Texas). It was fun and provided a great way to learn more about my bishop colleagues.

March 2 → Today was our Sabbath day with no meetings or business planned. I spent most of the day at a retreat led by Scott Barker (Nebraska). It was a wonderfully spiritual day with quiet, meditation, and discussion mixed in.

March 3 → Our Sunday began with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist. We had a variety of meetings throughout the day. In the afternoon, I was able to take a long walk with Jake Owensby (W. Louisiana). I enjoyed the walk and talk.

March 4 → The last full day of our meetings included the normal “pre-general convention” information session. In the evening, we celebrated our time together with the annual closing banquet. After the banquet, I started the drive home. While driving, I reflected on being part of this community for the past ten years. I am grateful for the friendship, collegiality, support, and worshipping community.

March 5 → I arrived home around three a.m. Not surprisingly, I slept late into the morning. In the afternoon, I worked out and did laundry.

March 6 → I had a busy day playing ‘catchup’ in the office. The morning included several staff meetings. The afternoon included meetings with several church leaders from the diocese.

March 7 → Most of the morning was spent getting ready for the afternoon meeting of the Executive Committee. The meeting went well. The Rev. Will Compton was elected Vice-President. I had two online meetings that lasted into the evening.

March 8 → I rose early for a workout. The rest of the day was filled up with meetings, online and in-person. In the evening, Kyle and I watched an online movie about the ordination of the Philadelphia Eleven. I hope we can arrange a showing of this movie to the diocese!

March 9 → I enjoyed a very quiet Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I went to the pool for a workout.

March 10 → My visitation was at Christ Church in Vicksburg. I celebrated and preached at two services. At the principal service, I confirmed one and received another. In the evening, I had supper with Katie.

March 11 → Sabbath day off! I worked out in the afternoon.

March 12 → My morning was spent at the Capitol in the Senate chamber. I opened the session with prayer and then stuck around to say hello to some parishioners and friends. After a bit of lunch, I spent the afternoon in the office.

March 13 → I rose early for a workout. After workout, I stopped for a few minutes to remember my dad’s birthday. He would’ve been 101 years old today. My time in the office consisted of staff meetings and then several phone meetings. I met later with the Rev. Katie Sorey for an annual consultation.

March 14 → I had a busy morning getting ready for a meeting with the Trustees of the Diocese. At 11 a.m., I walked to the Cathedral to preside at their noon eucharistic celebration. The rest of the day was taken up with the Trustees meeting.

March 15 → After a workout, I proceeded to the office for my normal meeting with Andy Andrews and later Peggy Jones. Over the lunch hour, I met with the Commission on Ministry.

March 16 → I joined the Standing Committee for a portion of their quarterly Zoom meeting. After lunch, I worked out and later in the day I drove to the Coast for evening meetings with St. Patrick’s in Long Beach. My meeting included remodeling to their buildings thanks to a new partnership with the Mississippi School for the Blind. This new ministry promises to offer a unique Spirit to the congregation.

March 17 → I officiated at St. Patrick’s principal service and confirmed two and received one. I decided to take a little break from driving and spent an additional night on the Coast.

March 18 → After driving home from the Coast, I managed time to get a workout at the GRIT pool.

March 19 → After staff meetings, I was busy with phone calls and emails for most of the day. Before heading home, I began the task of packing my office.

March 20 → I spent the morning at the Capitol with judicatories and clergy from around the state. In the afternoon, I spoke at a press conference on expanding Medicare. The afternoon was spent driving to Columbus for the Celebration of a New Ministry at St. Paul’s with their rector, Andrew McLarty. I drove home after the service.

March 21 → I left the house early to make an emergency pastoral call at St. Dominic’s to visit Mr. Bob Everett. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. The rest of my day was busy within the office.

March 22 → I kept the normal Friday staff meetings in the morning. After lunch, I met up with Katie to attend the funeral of Debbie Hartzog at St. Columb’s. Betsy met us at the Church. It was hard to say good bye to a dear friend. After the service, I met, over Zoom, with the Disciplinary Board.

March 23 → With Betsy in town for Spring break, we made our way downstairs, from my apartment to the St. Patrick’s Day parade. We had a great time at the parade and catching up with friends at the Cathedral.

March 24 → In the morning, I drove to Lexington for my regular Palm Sunday visit at St. Mary’s. After the service, we had lunch. At supper time, Betsy and I enjoyed a rack of ribs sent home from St. Mary’s.

March 25 → I spent a calm day with Betsy. Around noon, I made my way to the pool for a workout. In the evening, I attended the Central Ultreya Group at St. James’.

March 26 → I had a busy morning with a phone call prior to the normal day. Later, I made my way to Allin House for the all-staff meeting. At lunchtime, Betsy and I made our way to run errands and grab a smoothie. On the way home, she received an email from her college, Birmingham Southern, that they would be closing at the end of the academic year. Needless to say, the day and week changed dramatically after that news. I returned to work for several important meetings.

March 27 → It was a crazy busy day that included a Zoom meeting before the regular work day and another before lunch. During the lunch hour, I met with Working Together Jackson at St. Christopher’s in Jackson. I spent the rest of the day doing services at the Orchard and then St. Catherine’s Village.

March 28 → In addition to preparing for a Maundy Thursday sermon, I spent time getting ready for the rest of the preaching during Holy Week. In the afternoon, I called David Langdon who is ill at home.

March 29 → I worked out in the early morning and then spent the remainder of the morning working on Good Friday sermon ideas. At noon, I preached at the Chapel of the Cross in Madison for my annual Holy Week offering. In the evening, Betsy and I saw Dune.

March 30 → Betsy left around midday. In the evening, I preached and presided at the Great Vigil of Easter at St. Philip’s in Jackson.

March 31 → Alleluia, He is risen! I preached the two services at the Cathedral. It was a beautiful morning. It’s been a tremendous blessing to spend the last ten Easters with this congregation! After the 10:30 a.m. service, I drove to Philadelphia and officiated at an afternoon Easter celebration with St. Francis’. Another wonderful celebration! I went straight from St. Francis’ to Katie’s house for crawfish!