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July 1 → I rose early for a walk along the Trace Trail in Ridgeland. Much of my sabbath day was used organizing my apartment for my impending move. In the afternoon, I went for a swim.
July 2 → A busy Tuesday started with the all-staff meeting. I spent the rest of the morning catching up on emails and phone calls. After a quick lunch, I was busy with multiple Zoom calls along with Bishop-elect Wells. In the evening, I had dinner out with friends.
July 3 → Early morning workout. The day was busy with phone calls. Before lunch, Bishop-elect and I met with an aspirant for Holy orders. In the afternoon, I began organizing my personal belongings in the office. Before leaving for the day, we had a Zoom call with Bishop Lewis from the United Methodist Church.
July 4 → I enjoyed a quiet Independence Day. In the afternoon, I cooked out with Katie and Jacob.
July 5 → I skipped the morning swim and went for a long walk. I spent time in the office working on a variety of tasks.
July 6 → I worked hard to organize my apartment for my impending move. In the afternoon, I worked out in the GRIT pool.
July 7 → I drove to Vicksburg for my regular Independence Day weekend visit at St. Mary’s. Bishop-elect Wells joined me for the visit.
July 8 → Early morning workout and sabbath day. I met a friend for lunch.
July 9 → After staff meetings, the Bishop-elect and I met Kitty and Ed Cole at St. Mark’s in Jackson. We then joined them for a tour and meeting with leadership at Jackson State University. After returning to the office, we met with an aspirant for Holy Orders followed by a meeting with a member of the Episcopal Recovery program.
July 10 → After an early morning workout, I made my way to the office. Over the lunch hour Dorothy and I met with leadership at Tougaloo College. We received an update on the development of the Center for Racial Justice and Equity. In the evening, I went to an M Braves game with a friend.
July 11 → I had a busy day with several meetings scheduled throughout the morning. At noon, I attended a meeting sponsored by the Racial Reconciliation Task Force. In the afternoon, I chaired my final meeting with the Trustees of the Diocese.
July 12 → Early morning workout! My day was loaded down with meetings. In the evening, I enjoyed dinner with friends.
July 13 → I spent the morning working on my sermon for Sunday. While driving to join a friend for supper, I heard the news that former President Trump had been shot. After supper, I wrote a statement concerning the shooting to be shared with the Diocese.
July 14 → I woke early and redid my sermon. The events of the previous day necessitated a change! At St. Andrew’s, I preached and presided at 8:30 and 10:30 services. There were Grateful Dead-inspired receptions following both services! I’ve enjoyed great hospitality from St. Andrew’s throughout my tenure as Bishop!
July 15 → Early morning workout and sabbath day. It was a busy sabbath day that saw me finish packing up my apartment! In the evening, I had dinner with friends.
July 16 → After the normal staff meeting, I met with staff individually including Bishop-elect Wells. In the afternoon, Kyle and Betsy arrived. After checking into our accommodations for the week, we met Katie and Jacob for dinner.
July 17 → I had meetings throughout the morning. Over lunch, I enjoyed a party with the Allin House staff at Char. I left the gathering sad but grateful for the professionalism and friendship offered by my colleagues. Kyle’s parents arrived in the afternoon for a visit and supper.
July 18 → I spent the morning working from our temporary accommodations while Kyle and the girls used my car. The ordination weekend activities began with dinner with Dorothy and Herb Wells. Presiding Bishop Curry was supposed to join us but travel issues delayed his arrival until late in the evening.
July 19 → Early morning workout! After returning home, I embarked on a busy day! The first event was a meeting for diocesan clergy with the PB, Bishop-elect, and me. Lunch followed. In the afternoon, I attended the ordination rehearsal. The evening featured a beautiful reception at the Two Mississippi Museums.
July 20 → The ordination of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Dorothy Sanders Wells began with a bishop and spouse breakfast at 8:00 am. While breakfast was being offered, the bishops signed and sealed her ordination certificate. Following breakfast, we met with Presiding Bishop Curry followed by vesting and lining up for the procession. It was a beautiful, and (for me), emotional service. During the service, I passed the crozier and officially ended my ministry as Bishop of Mississippi. Following the service, Kyle, Betsy, and I returned and changed our clothes to attend an engagement party for Jacob and Katie! They became formally engaged today! I can’t express my excitement and joy! It’s a blessing to welcome Jacob into our family! What a day, wow!
July 21 → Katie joined me in the morning to drive Kyle and Betsy to the airport. We stopped on the way for breakfast at Waffle House. After the airport, Katie helped me load my car for my drive to Colorado for a week of backpacking and then the final leg to California. Thank you, Mississippi! Words cannot describe my gratitude for everything you have given me. God bless you+