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Bishop Candidate Visitations

Mississippi Episcopalians invited to meet the candidates, submit questions for sessions

As part of the Bishop Search process, the Candidates for the XI Bishop of Mississippi will be visiting the diocese the week of January 15-20, 2024. This includes various meetings, visits to historical sites, and a series of Meet and Greet sessions which are scheduled for that week. The Meet and Greet session schedule is below.

Registration will begin thirty minutes before the start of the Meet and Greets. The Transition Committee asks that those planning to attend a Meet and Greet please RSVP using the RSVP form found on the Bishop Search website,

The Transition Committee is ensuring that a session from each location will be live-streamed so that all may have the opportunity to view candidate discussions.

All Episcopalians throughout the diocese are invited to submit questions to the candidates electronically via a form on the Bishop Search website. The form for submitting questions will be available on the Bishop Search website ( beginning December 1, 2023. The form will close on January 8, 2024. The Transition Committee reserves the right to lightly edit questions for clarity and brevity, or combine similar questions into one question.

At the Meet and Greet sessions, after a brief welcome and introduction, participants will be divided into three to four rooms to meet and hear the candidates, who will rotate from room to room. Moderators will ask two introductory questions of each candidate, and will then pose randomly selected questions pulled from questions that are previously submitted electronically. Neither moderators nor candidates will have access to the randomly selected questions before they are asked. Attendees will also have an opportunity to informally meet candidates after the question-and-answer sessions and ask follow-up questions as time allows.
As always, the Transition Committee welcomes questions and feedback regarding the Meet and Greet Sessions and the process generally. Feel free to contact the Committee at