Diocese of Mississippi: 2025 Nominations
If you feel strongly about the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Mississippi, please consider nominating yourself or another gifted individual for a leadership opportunity. Elections will be held at the 198th Annual Council, January 31 – February 2, 2025, when we convene at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center. Please note, training in the prevention of sexual misconduct is required for these leadership positions; anti-racism and other diversity awareness training is encouraged.
The Treasurer of the Diocese works closely with the Finance and Executive Committees, the Trustees of the Diocese, and the diocesan staff on financial and budgetary matters impacting our operations, investments, mission, and ministry. Financial and budgetary acumen is required; current or previous experience as a treasurer is desired. Election details: One layperson for a one-year term.
The Executive Committee and its subcommittees focus on mission and ministry opportunities across the Diocese; work with supported churches and chaplaincies; and meet quarterly to review or amend the budget, consider insurance plans, and/or initiate programs and offerings. In many ways the diocesan Executive Committee is analogous to a local vestry or mission committee. Election details: Two clerics and two laypersons, each for a three-year term. One cleric for a one-year unexpired term.
As the official diocesan corporation chartered by the State legislature, the Trustees focus on property matters (diocesan and mission church holdings), money and portfolio management. Our catalog of investments includes diocesan funds, endowments, and other monies, as well as those of parishes and missions across the Diocese who invest alongside the Trustees. Often, Trustees have a background in finance, banking, investments, law, real estate, business, or entrepreneurial professions. They often have prior experience serving the Church in an official capacity. Election details: One layperson for a four-year term.
The Standing Committee focuses on churchwide consents in elections for bishops; considers postulancy, candidacy and ordination for those from our Diocese studying for and seeking Holy Orders; and deals with property matters and questions of incumbrance or indebtedness. The Committee serves as a council of advice to the Bishop and, in the case of a vacancy in the office of Bishop Diocesan, acts as the Ecclesiastical Authority. Committee members have often served in a prior leadership role on the local or diocesan level (Vestry, Mission Committee, finance committee, discernment committee, Executive Committee, etc.). Election details: One presbyter and one layperson, each for a four-year term. One presbyter for a two-year unexpired term.
The Disciplinary Board considers matters of clergy conduct. Nominees should have a working knowledge of Title IV of the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church or have a willingness to learn. Members are frequently process-oriented. Skills in the areas of discernment, consensus building, and active listening are beneficial. A background in mediation, conflict management, reconciliation, discernment, Canon law, civic law, counseling, family systems, or related fields is helpful for this work. Election details: Two clerics and one layperson for three year terms. One cleric for a one-year unexpired term.
As one of the owning dioceses, the Diocese of Mississippi annually elects an individual to serve a three-year term on Sewanee’s Board of Trustees. Nominees should be invested in the ongoing interests and wellbeing of the University. Nominees regularly have an ongoing relationship with the University, either as an alumnus or through another affinity or affiliation. Alumni status is not a prerequisite. Election details: One layperson for a three-year term.
Make a nomination
The nomination form is available at msepiscopalian.com/nominations and there is a link on the diocesan website. Each nominee must consent to be nominated before the form is submitted. Forms must be received by December 22, 2024 in order to be included in the Council information. When making a nomination, please email a high-resolution color headshot photograph of the nominee for publication to the Rev. Annie Elliott, elliotta@gosaints.org. If unable to submit the nomination form or the photograph through these methods, please contact the Rev. Annie Elliott (601.853.6016).