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Letter from the editor

I hope that this issue of The Mississippi Episcopalian finds you well and that all have had time to recover from the joyous and tiring work that was Council 2024.

I don’t plan to make a habit of including these letters in the magazine, so fear not, but I did think it appropriate to drop a note here as this will be the first ‘online-only’ issue of this publication in its nearly 150-year history. Hopefully, you will find the content as relevant and compelling as ever and, with the changes made to the method of delivery, I hope you’ll find the online experience improved upon.

Going forward, certain articles and other pieces of the publication may get life in more than one issue to accommodate the now bimonthly printing schedule. This will include things like the Deployment Report and Faithful Departed, as I know that many readers treasure seeing such momentous events in print.

I hope you’ll see the enhanced online experience, which will continue to expand and grow richer in the coming months, as an asset to our diocesan communications capacity. New types of media—audio and video, most prominently—will be able to grace the virtual pages of this magazine. Individual photos, articles, and issues will be shareable in a way they never were before. With a simple link, you’ll be able to send friends, family, and acquaintances directly to what you want them to know about our beloved diocese. It’s an opportunity to tell the same great story we’ve told for 150 years in an even better way, and I hope you’ll join us for that.

As always, I’m grateful for your trust and glad to hear your thoughts,

William T. (Wil) Oakes, III
Editor and Art Director