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Dec. 1 → Our meetings at the Province IV Bishops and Spouses Conference concluded with a joint meeting with youth representatives from around Province IV. After a closing Eucharist, I made my way to the airport and back to Jackson. Once home, I walked on Capitol Street to attend a Jackson Christmas season celebration called “Capital City Lights.”
Dec. 2 → I spent the whole day around the apartment watching football games!
Dec. 3 → After taking Sophie for a walk, I drove to Carrollton for my Sunday visitation at Grace Church. It was a wonderful First Sunday of Advent with great attendance and healthy Spirit. After church, I enjoyed lunch with the Williams family.
Dec. 4 → I had a couple phone appointments in the morning. Later in the morning, I made a swim workout.
Dec. 5 → My morning was pretty busy with staff meeting and Council of Advice with the Standing Committee. In the afternoon, I had a phone call with Granville Tate.
Dec. 6 → I rose early for a swim workout with friends. In the office, I was quite busy with appointments starting at 9:00 a.m. and not ending until after an evening dinner meeting.
Dec. 7 → This was another busy day that included a meeting with Finance Committee and the first look at a 2024 budget created by our CFO and Treasurer. In the evening, I met up with friends for supper.
Dec. 8 → After getting my early workout accomplished, I met with Andy Andrews for breakfast. Following breakfast, I met with Peggy Jones for a closer look at my year end calendar. The remainder of the morning was taken up with phone calls. In the afternoon, I met with one of our deacons for an annual consultation. Before finishing my day, I met with Katy Pacelli regarding the Bishop Transition. Betsy arrived in the afternoon to begin her Christmas break from Birmingham-Southern.
Dec. 9 → After a morning telephone meeting, I spent a relaxing day catching up with Betsy.
Dec. 10 → I left Jackson early for a visitation at Church of the Mediator in Meridian. I preached and presided at both services. Between services, I welcomed Bishop Nicholas of Myra who was visiting with the Sunday school. After meeting with +Nicholas, I met with the vestry. In the evening, I enjoyed supper out with family.
Dec. 11 → After an early-ish workout, I returned home for a Zoom meeting with a cohort from Neighborhood Economics. Later in the morning, I had a phone meeting with our chancellor, Granville Tate, regarding the sale of some acreage at Gray Center.
Dec. 12 → My morning was slammed with meetings, including staff meetings, a clergy consultation, and a chancellor meeting over lunch. In the afternoon, I met with our CFO, David Martin.
Dec. 13 → After an early workout, I got started on a really busy day. The morning was taken up with a phone call with a local lay leader, a meeting with an aspirant, and a phone call with another bishop. Over lunch, I met with Bishop Morris Thompson who resides in Jackson and serves two of our churches in retirement. In the afternoon, I met over Zoom with the Board for Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church. My daughters and I enjoyed dinner out.
Dec. 14 → Another busy day started out with a meeting with the Standing Committee. At midday, I met with the Finance Committee and then, in the afternoon, with the Convocation Deans. I was glad to find time for a short mental health break at the end of the day. In evening, I attended an Advent party at the home of the Rev. Andy and Ann Andrews.
Dec. 15 → Early morning workout was followed by meetings with staff. The rest of the morning was taken up with phone calls. In the afternoon, I met with a lay leader from a local congregation.
Dec. 16 → In spite of it being Saturday, I had two phone meetings during the morning hours. At lunch time, I attended an Advent luncheon at St. Mark’s in Jackson.
Dec. 17 → After taking the dog for a walk, I departed for Inverness. At All Saints’, I preached, presided, and confirmed 3. After church, I enjoyed fellowship with some old friends.
Dec. 18 → Betsy and I went for a long sabbath day walk. In the afternoon. I helped her pack for an afternoon flight to San Francisco. Her scheduled arrival time in SFO and then Kyle’s rectory is 11:00 p.m.!
Dec. 19 → After staff meetings, I spent the rest of the morning preparing for a meeting with the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee met over lunch and this year-end meeting ended around 3:30 p.m.
Dec. 20 → I rose early for a workout. The days big event was our Diocesan Staff Advent Luncheon. It’s been such an incredible blessing to work with these wonderful and holy people.
Dec. 21 → I had a bunch of appointments spread throughout the day beginning with a breakfast meeting. In the afternoon, I met with a lawyer to sign closing documents for sale of some acreage at Gray Center. Katie traveled to San Francisco in the afternoon, arriving after midnight.
Dec. 22 → I managed to wake early and make my workout. It was an easy morning with a couple staff meetings followed by several phone calls. The office closed at noon.
Dec. 23 → I spent most of the day getting ready for Sunday visits and travel on Christmas Day.
Dec. 24 → My day started early with a drive to Philadelphia for Fourth Advent at St. Francis’. It was a beautiful service with a warm wonderful spirit. From Philadelphia, I drove to Brookhaven for a Christmas Eve service at Redeemer. This was another well attended service with awesome hospitality. After the service, I stuffed a couple cookies in my pocket and drove to St. Andrew’s Cathedral for their 5:00 p.m. service. It was packed! I celebrated and presided while Dean Maxwell preached. After church, I walked across the garage to my apartment and relaxed before driving up the street to St. Mark’s. It was another beautiful service. I preached and shared the presiding responsibilities with the Rev. William Boyles. After finishing at St. Mark’s, I headed back to my apartment and walked back across the garage to St. Andrew’s for their 11:00 p.m. service. The preaching, music, and spirit were beautiful. I returned to my apartment exhausted but grateful for such a blessed Christmas.
Dec. 25 → I rose early and got an Uber to the airport for my early flight to San Francisco. Everything was on time! I arrived in San Francisco shortly after noon. Kyle, Katie, and Betsy picked me up and family Christmas started! At the rectory, I was surprised by two feline members of the family, Tacy and Tibs, who moved in a few days ago.
Dec. 26 → I slept late and spent the rest of the day relaxing.
Dec. 27-30 → Vacation.
Dec. 31 → Happy New Year!