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May 1 → Kyle and I had a quiet breakfast together before heading to the airport for her flight to San Francisco. I spent the afternoon doing laundry and getting ready for a Sunday visitation. Betsy arrived in the evening.

June 2 → The morning visitation at Creator in Clinton was great! The congregation included members of St. Mark’s in Raymond to celebrate the reception of a new member. During the service, I confirmed one, received one, and blessed the ministry of faithful parishioners who offer hospitality to a number of 12-step programs. After the service, I enjoyed lunch, fellowship, and musical offerings from Kate and Michael Onyia. In the afternoon Betsy, Sophie, and I started the long drive to California for their move to Tiburon. We spent the night in Texarkana.

June 3 → We spent the day in the car driving through Texas and New Mexico. While Betsy drove, I made a variety of phone calls to Mississippi Clergy. We stopped and spent the night in Gallup.

June 4 → It was another full day of driving but included a detour through Monument Valley. Betsy and I took a picture in the middle of the road in front of Forest Gump point. We drove a bit further and spent the night in Needles, CA.

June 5 → We left Needles in the morning and arrived in Tiburon around 4 p.m. It was great to be with Kyle and have supper at home! I was amused watching our dog, Sophie, find her way around her new housemates, our two new cats, Tacy and Tibs.

June 6 → We enjoyed a fairly calm day. Part of the morning was spent getting Betsy moved into her new space. In the evening, I had a Zoom call with a church.

June 7 → I left the house at midday to catch the shuttle to the San Francisco airport. My flights were on time and I arrived back in Jackson around 11 p.m.

June 8 → In the morning, I attended a field trip with St. Christopher’s in Jackson to the home of Myrlie and Medgar Evers. The informative tour was really interesting and sobering. I worked out in the afternoon before driving to Columbus for my Sunday visitation at Good Shepherd.

June 9 → My first official business at Good Shepherd was breakfast, fellowship and a vestry meeting. The service was well attended including guests from St. Bernard’s in Okolona. Following the service, we enjoyed more fellowship before I started driving home to Jackson.

June 10 → I woke up early and made it to the pool for an early workout. In spite of it being my normal sabbath day, I spent most of the morning on the phone.

June 11 → We had our normal staff meetings in the morning. Later in the day, I did a video for a diocesan ministry. In the afternoon, Bishop-elect Wells and I met with a diocesan clergy person for their annual consultation.

June 12 → Early morning workout! In the morning, I joined a consecration planning and walk-through of St. Andrew’s School. The Rev. Canon Ann Hallisey represented the Presiding Bishop and took charge. After the walk through, we grabbed lunch at Aplos. I spent most of the afternoon prepping for the next day’s Executive Committee meeting.

June 13 → First thing in the office was phone calls! Around 11 a.m., I walked to the Cathedral for my final Executive Committee meeting. It was a good lunch and meeting. I’m grateful to have worked, through the years, with so many committed leaders. After work, I joined a pre-GenCon Zoom meeting with our deputation.

June 14 → I woke up early and got in an early workout. In the office, I spent time preparing for a “pre GenCon” meeting with the Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church. Later in the morning, I met with an aspirant for Holy Orders. After that meeting, I met with a postulant for Holy Orders. Bishop-elect Wells and I met for an extended period of time over lunch and into the afternoon.

June 15 → In the morning, I ordained the Rev. Mary Howard King to the Sacred Order of Priests. It was a beautiful service with an awesome sermon offered by the Rev. Josh Shipman. In the afternoon, I relaxed.

June 16 → Happy Father’s Day! I kept morning Zoom appointments with Katie in Europe and then Betsy in California. In the afternoon, I drove to Philadelphia to participate in a commemoration service for the slain civil rights workers, Chaney, Goodman, and Shwerner. The service was hosted by Mt. Zion United Methodist Church.

June 17 → I worked out first thing in the morning. The rest of the morning and afternoon was spent getting my stuff together for General Convention.

June 18 → Katie arrived home from Europe last night. We grabbed breakfast together at Waffle House. After a quick check-in with the office, I started driving for Louisville, KY, and the board meeting for Recovery Ministry of the Episcopal Church followed by General Convention. I arrived around 8 p.m.

June 19 → The board meeting for RMEC started at noon. In the afternoon, we switched gears and welcomed participants for our two-day retreat.

June 20 → We spent the whole day at St. Peter’s in Louisville with the RMEC retreat. Our speakers were really good. In the early evening, I celebrated the Eucharist for the community while one of my Bishop colleagues preached.

June 21 → The retreat came to a close around lunch time and was followed by an open meeting. In the evening, I connected with Mississippi Deputies and grabbed supper at Hammerheads.

June 22 → General Convention programs began today. We started with a joint session of both houses. Presiding Bishop Curry addressed the assembly along with President Ayala Harris.

June 23 → General Convention officially began with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist. After worship, we took our places in our respective houses. It was awesome to be present when Bishop-elect Wells was welcomed to the House with a standing ovation. After our first business, I grabbed dinner with my classmates.

June 24 → We had a busy legislative calendar in the House of Bishops. I was really impressed with how much work we got done! Kyle arrived on a late evening flight.

June 25 → It was another very productive day in the House with lots of business being accomplished and sent to the Deputies for concurrence. In the evening, Kyle and I attended the House of Bishops banquet honoring Presiding Bishop Curry. I was more emotional than I expected to be! What an honor to work with him for the last nine years.

June 26 → After a breakfast meeting, I walked to the conference center for worship. Following worship, the Bishops walked to the Cathedral in Louisville for the election of our next presiding bishop. After singing a couple hymns, we cast the first ballot. Following about 45 minutes of tabulation, it was announced that we had a first ballot election! Elected to serve as the 28th Presiding Bishop was the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe. Thunderous applause was heard throughout the cathedral nave. We were required to stay in place and not communicate with anyone until the news could be carried to House of Deputies for ratification. It took about two hours but at 2:30 we were notified of their consent. We made our way back to the conference center for the announcement of our new PB. Sean will be really good! I took a picture of the last three Presiding Bishops, Katharine Jefferts Schori, Michael Curry and Sean Rowe.

June 27 → The last 2 days of General Convention can sometimes be very challenging. The legislative houses often find themselves waiting for business and communication on business. Today was no different! After business, Kyle and I had dinner with Rob and Sandy Skirving.

June 28 → I rose early and drove Kyle to the airport for her flight back to San Francisco. I was back at the hotel in time to walk to the closing service of the convention. The preacher was the PB-elect. It was a great sermon with lots of inspiring words for the future of the church. House business took all the way until 6 p.m. After declaring “Sine die” and receiving a blessing, I said goodbye to friends and started driving home. I made it to Jackson, Tennessee, before stopping for sleep.

June 29 → I finished my drive home and settled back into my apartment. The rest of the day was spent washing clothes, doing chores, and preparing a sermon!

June 30 → Sunday visitation was with St. Christopher’s in Jackson. I preached and presided at the Eucharist. After the service, we gave thanks for the life of the Rev. Cecil Jones and dedicated the parish hall in his memory!