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Making Ministers

PHOTOS | Across the diocese, participants graduate from Education for Ministry programs

St. Peter’s by the Lake, Brandon: (left to right): mentor Lisa Maisel, graduates Rebecca Kubler and Mike Chew, and mentor Rita Fetzer. Not pictured: Adam Gwin
St. Pierre’s Gautier: mentor Deanna Eure (first on right), graduate Adele Ledfod (second on right) is in her 3rd year of the diaconate program at the Marble School. Celebration at the home of Hal and Mary Walker (first on left and third on right) with friends Wendy Farnham, Kay Davis, Jill Roth, Ann Parrish, Shari Penton, Brother Jacob Luke, Lori Bridges
St. Timothy’s, Southaven, left to right: graduates Nicole Clayton, Linda Vincent, and Debbie Wisdom, joined by mentor Matt Wisdom. Not pictured: Sharon Hastings
Holy Cross, Olive Branch: graduate Paula Eaton (center), joined by The Rev. Clay Calhoun (left) and mentor Matt Wisdom (right)