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Feb. 1 → I spent most of the morning in the office preparing for Council. My time was split between reviewing my address and looking over notes for the Sunday sermon. I enjoyed lunch with Kyle before returning to the office. I spent the afternoon on the phone addressing several pastoral issues.

Feb. 2 → I had a very calm morning before collecting my stuff and heading to St. Andrew’s School for the 197th Annual Council of our Diocese. Our evening worship went well as did my address to Council. We accomplished a great deal of business during the first business session! I was sorry, however, that the we got so much accomplished that I made people late for their dinner reservations! On the way home, Kyle joined me for one of my “Council customs” dinner at Waffle House. I love breakfast for dinner!

Feb. 3 → I arrived at Council early for a breakfast with our clergy spouses. The morning business moved quickly and we turned to the election of the 11th Bishop of Mississippi. Unfortunately, some confusion with check-ins put our numbers out of whack. After clearing up the confusion, we were able to cast ballots. An election was accomplished on the 4th ballot producing an incredible Holy Spirit moment when the Rev. Dr. Dorothy Sanders Wells was called by Council to be the next Bishop of Mississippi. It was a beautiful and incredible moment. Dorothy joined us by Zoom to accept her call and address Council. She will be great. I’m grateful for her willingness to serve. Likewise, I’m grateful for our candidates, Jason, Jennifer, Rob and Walton for their willingness to be vulnerable in this process is quite a gift to the Church. Following the election the business was taken up with signing testimonials and then followed by a party on site.

Feb. 4 → My morning started early with a breakfast offered by my seminary, The Seminary of the Southwest. It was attended by other alumni. We completed a great deal of business including courtesy resolutions and the conferring of Honorary Canons on Granville Tate, David Elliot, and David Langdon. This council marks the last council for Canon Tate who served as Diocesan Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor for more than 25 years! The closing service of the Council was beautiful and featured an all-star choir from around the Diocese. This service was another beautiful holy spirit moment. Presiding over the Council for the past ten years has been an incredible honor. Thank you.

Feb. 5 → I rested and spent the day with Kyle.

Feb. 6 → I kept an early Zoom meeting with my colleagues from Province IV. Later in the morning, I found time for a workout in the Grit pool. In the afternoon, I kept several phone calls relating to a Diocesan matter.

Feb. 7 → The morning started early with a breakfast meeting with Bishop Kopacz (Catholic), Bishop Lewis (Methodist) and me. I enjoyed telling them about Bishop-elect Wells. After a variety of staff meetings, I kept a phone appointment with our Bishop-elect. Later in the afternoon, I had a phone meeting with a local clergyperson.

Feb. 8 → What a busy day! My Zoom app was open nearly all day with hourly meetings starting at 9 a.m. with aspirants for Holy Orders. I finished up with aspirant meetings around 5 p.m. After a quick dinner, I had another Zoom meeting to plan the Ordination and Consecration of Bishop-elect Wells.

Feb. 9 → The day started early with a staff meeting, over breakfast, with Andy Andrews. I spent the rest of the morning at Allin House catching up on paperwork. After lunch, I returned to the office for Zoom calls with the Recovery Ministry of the Episcopal Church and later with Working Together Mississippi. Before heading home, I kept a telephone appointment with one of our rectors.

Feb. 10 → I spent the morning on the phone with Chancellor Ireland. Over lunch, I made time for a workout in the Grit pool. The rest of the afternoon was taken up with preparation for tomorrow’s visitation at St. Peter’s in Brandon.

Feb. 11 → My Sunday visit was at St. Peter’s in Brandon. I officiated at the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. Between the two services, I confirmed nine and received two. After the 10:30 service, the congregation and I enjoyed fellowship and lunch. In the afternoon, I watched the Super Bowl.

Feb. 12 → I rose early and enjoyed a workout at the Grit pool. The rest of the day was spent in restful relaxation.

Feb. 13 → Staff meetings occupied most of my morning. After lunch, I had phone calls with several parish leaders and clergy. In the afternoon, I met with Mr. Perry Perkins from Working Together Mississippi.

Feb. 14 → Ash Wednesday always begins early with a trip to St. Andrew’s School for the imposition of Ashes with the Lower School. I have appreciated that time with students, teachers, and many parents. After a couple of hours in the office, I drove to St. Mark’s in Raymond for the imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist. I left St. Mark’s and after returning to the office for various duties, I drove to St. Luke’s in Brandon for an evening service of imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist. After church, we shared a meal and fellowship.

Feb. 15 → In the morning, I met with Senator Lydia Chassaniol and Mr. Dan Smith regarding a project involving St. Clement’s in Vaiden. Before lunch, I met with Whitney Robinson for an update on our Youth Ministry. The afternoon was packed with meetings including an in-person meeting with lay leaders from a local parish followed by a meeting with your Standing Committee president, Buck Cooper. In the evening, I had supper with a couple of old friends.

Feb. 16 → The morning was taken up with staff meetings. In the afternoon, I met, via Zoom, with a clergy person interested in relocating to our Diocese. Before finishing my day, I met with a leader in our recovery community.

Feb. 17 → In the morning, I met with Chip Davis regarding ministry at Gray Center. After doing laundry I drove to Greenwood for supper with congregants from the Church of the Nativity.

Feb. 18 → Visitation was at the Church of the Nativity in Greenwood. I preached and presided at both services and confirmed thirteen at the 10:30 service! Between services, I led an adult forum and discussed the Bishop Transition that will lead to the ordination and consecration of Bishop-Elect Wells on July 20. In the afternoon, I drove home and enjoyed supper with Katie and Jacob.

Feb. 19 → Early morning workout followed by a sabbath day off!

Feb. 20 → The morning was taken up with staff meetings. Later, I was delighted to catch up with George Jackson who had just returned from our Honduras Medical Mission. George brought great news about another successful mission! Over lunch, I met with an aspirant for Holy Orders.

Feb. 21 → An early morning preceded a busy day in the office! I had one appointment after another until 2:30 when I drove to the Orchard to Celebrate the Eucharist with residents. Immediately after the service, I drove to St. Catherine for a service with that community.

Feb. 22 → In the morning, I met with Whitney Robinson for our regular update on Youth Ministry in the Diocese. I spent the rest of the day catching up on email and phone calls. In the evening, I enjoyed dinner with friends.

Feb. 23 → After an early workout in the Grit pool, I returned home to prepare for work. After several staff meetings (catch-ups) I met with the Rev. Deacon Cathy Halford regarding several Diocesan servant ministries. Later in the morning, I joined an ordination/consecration planning meeting on Zoom. In the afternoon, I met with a lay leader regarding camping ministry.

Feb. 24 → I spent the morning attending a Lent retreat at St. Andrew’s Cathedral. The event was led by Dr. Beth Sarah-Wright from Atlanta.

Feb. 25 → My morning visitation was at St. Stephen’s in Indianola. I preached and presided at their service which was followed by lunch and fellowship. I left Indianola and drove to Greenville for an afternoon visitation at the Church of the Redeemer in Greenville. I confirmed one at the service and enjoyed fellowship and food before driving home.

Feb. 26 → An early morning workout was followed by my sabbath day. I spent my day off getting ready for the next day’s drive to the House of Bishops at Camp Allen in Texas. In the evening, I celebrated Katie’s 24th Birthday with Jacob and her.

Feb. 27 → I found time for a workout before driving to Navasota for my meeting with the House of Bishops. I arrived at Camp Allen around 9 p.m.

Feb. 28 → The first meetings and worship at HoB started after breakfast. It’s good to catch up with colleagues!

Feb. 29 → This full day included Lectio Divina, Table Discussions and dinner out with our classmates. My classmates, Rob Skirving (East Carolina) and Alan Gates (Massachusetts) called it the Last Supper since Alan and I are both attending our final HoB as Diocesan Bishops. We celebrated the occasion with BBQ.