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A discipline of gratitude

The United Thank Offering supports mission and ministry

by Brenda Hawkins, UTO Coordinator

The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for each blessing using a UTO Blue Box. UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings, and to distribute the 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion.

To learn more about how to participate in the United Thank Offering go to the website: You can find resources to copy and distribute in your church to raise funds including bulletin resources, Vacation Bible School resources, printable blue boxes, inserts and coordinator guides.

This year, the focus of our 2025 grant process is “the care of Creation”. We also want to promote Creation care in our gratitude practices. See the website for criteria in the coming months.

All UTO parish offerings should be sent by check made out to UTO to:
UTO Coordinator, Brenda Hawkins
330 Lakewood Road
Vicksburg. MS 39180

Offerings should be sent by November 15. 2024 to be submitted in this year’s annual giving.

We are a thankful people. I’m thankful for each of you. What are you thankful for?

Brenda Davis Hawkins is the UTO Coordinator for the Diocese of Mississippi.